Trail Reports

1/9/17 Course Update

While many areas to the East and West have been receiving plentiful lake effect snow, Marquette County has unfortunately missed much of it.  To say that it’s been painful to watch would be an understatement.  Interestingly, skiing at various points along the course (Al Quaal, and all of Forestville specifically) is actually very good…it’s the […]

Noquemanon 50K Race Course Update October 31, 2016

Consider this, a race committee that listens to your requests and makes it their yearly goal to implement changes for the better. That is what you have when you look at the UPHS Noquemanon Ski Marathon race committee course crew. In order to make it happen for the winter race, they must envision and implement […]

September 2016 Course Update/Trail Report

We have entered our second year of a three year major course improvement plan and will continue working on it until snow flies. In addition to routine mowing, trimming and stump removal, we have 2 major new course changes. There is a new 3km loop in the Al Quaal recreation area. This is a section […]

Wax Recommendation from TOKO

WAX RECOMMENDATION Noquemanon Ski Marathon 50K Ishpeming to Marquette, MI Saturday, January 23 9 A.M. 50K Classic, 9:55 A.M. 50K Skate Wave start, 10 minute waves Forecast/Conditions: Mostly cloudy with an overnight low around 7F. Saturday partly sunny, with race temperature ranging from 10-20. The temperature historically stays low in the first half of the […]

Wednesday January 20, 2016

Race course is coming along very well.  We have continued to fill in thin areas and groom the entire trail.  The trail looks very good and has an average of a 4” very firm packed base.  We should be able to set track over the far majority of the course, however we may pull the […]

Monday, January 18, 2016

As of today, every inch of the ski trail has now been groomed at least once. Today I examined the trail from 45km (Deer Lake) to 30km (just north of the Dead River Basin). Overall the trail looks good and is going to be ready for Saturday. Deer Lake looks very good. No slush and […]

Saturday morning, January 16, 2016

GREAT NEWS! More snowfall since my last report has guaranteed us a full race course next weekend! Since my last report we felt we needed 2-4 inches of snowfall to have a good ski course. Since then we have received more than that. We received between 4 to 10 inches depending on course location, with […]

Tuesday evening Jan 12, 2016

We ended up receiving 4” of dense snowfall in Marquette and Ishpeming and 8” in the highlands.  This is on top of the 5 inches we received over the weekend.  We had estimated that we needed 6” in the city and 12” in the highlands to make the full race course go on as planned.  […]

Tuesday morning January 12, 2016

I woke this morning planning on skiing the race course from the finish back out towards Forestville. However, snow is falling hard, wind is blowing, schools are closed. I already have a couple of inches of snow at my house which is close to the finish line. We are expected to get 5-8 inches of […]

January 11, 2016 NSM Course Update

We received 5 inches of dense dry snow on Sunday morning, in the City of Marquette.  This was an odd snowfall in that only the City of Marquette and East was hit.  We certainly needed snow in town, so this helped.  Skiing is very good from Forestville (10km to go) back up to County Road […]

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