Directors report: Welcome to the 20th Anniversary of the Noquemanon Ski Marathon! We have made a number of course improvements over the past few years and we think you are going to be very pleased in the shape of the course this year. Mother Nature has blessed us with a good amount of snow with solid […]
Trail Reports
The final race newsletter went out to all pre-registered participants late this morning. It is also linked in the Archived E-newsletter page on our site for all to read (newsletter opt outs and those that did not provide an e-mail address with registration). The highly anticipated map of the new Forestville Section is included in […]
Significant snows fell on the entire course yesterday and this morning – some of the higher elevations saw 12+ inches. This is especially good news as there is a significant warm up on the way for Thursday night into the weekend. Friday’s temperature is forecasted, at this time, to be 42+ degrees with a low […]
Crews were out today prepping our usual spots on the full 50K course and things are looking good the entire length of the trail. A few spots to hit, as usually happens this week, but we have real snow and great base. More snow is on the way too. Possibly a lot of snow with […]
Our last round of snow really added to the base on the west end of the trail and conditions are currently great. Areas out on course received anywhere between 5-12+ inches depending on the location. Our attention now turns to a 3-4 day period of above normal temperatures with the possibility of some rain/mixed precipitation […]
There was great skiing to be had over the weekend in the Forestville area. The last freeze/thaw cycle created some really firm pole plants. I got out to ski Sunday night after dark and even through the low areas and the bridges I found very good skating (a few spots of dirty snow were noted […]
We survived the warm spell although there was a bit more rain than expected at least from where we were sitting. The deep cold returned in a very short amount of time and the re-freeze began. This is actually a blessing in disguise as these freeze-thaw cycles can create really solid pole plants. We are […]
A few updates on course to mention. Note that all final course details will be made available at bag pickup/ski expo on Friday Jan 26th at the Superior Dome. The race bulletin will be final and readily available in print. Please also note that we are in the time of year that things can change […]